On Oct. 26, students from Lakewood High School music and performing arts programs took their feet to the streets to thank our neighbors for their support and to invite them to attend the performances being put on this year. This event also served as a fundraising opportunity for the Music Boosters, which supports programs throughout the district. The funds raised will go towards instruments, trips, and many of the other expenses that come with having such an active performing arts community like the one in the Lakewood City School district. The event not only acts as a fundraiser or a way to spread the word about Lakewood’s amazing performing arts programs, but also as a way for the performers to connect face to face with those who support them in the community.
“It helps the performers connect with the community,” Band Director Clinton Steinbrunner said. “A lot of times, people will come and watch concerts or plays or different performances, and they see the people on stage performing, but oftentimes they don’t get to talk to them about their experiences and what that’s like. When we do ‘Feet to the Streets’ students are actually talking to community members.” Mr. Steinbrunner stressed the importance of making personal connections with community members and many other benefits that stem from it.

Students met in groups at spots all across Lakewood along with chaperones before they set off across their assigned areas.
Many of the students who volunteered also voiced why they believe that events like these are important for the community. “For Lakewood’s music and performing arts programs to be what they are, they have to have support from the community, everybody can help you know,” sophomore musician Sean Zgodinski said.
Participation in this event was not mandatory for the students in the different types of performing arts program, but many volunteered because they see the importance in having the performing arts programs offered and the community’s involvement in them.
“It’s important for the community to be involved because the music department in itself is such a tight knit community, it’s a family in its own way. It is where I have found so many close friends and amazing people who have supported me. It is also just a great way to become a better, more well rounded person. You learn so much, not just about music or instruments, but about people, and it’s just such a great thing and a great message to support,” sophomore musician Riley Swift said.

Being a member of Lakewood’s performing arts community and participating in events like this foster so much personal connection, and Mr. Steinbrunner emphasizes the importance of the exchange between the community and the performers in Lakewood.
“We want people in the community to know what is going on, to be able to enjoy all the music and the performances that the different music groups and the Barnstormers are doing so that way, we can give back to the community just like the community gives to us when they come to watch us and they pay for tickets at concerts or they make donations to any of the programs.”