From making friendship bracelets to intense pickleball matches and staying up all night, this year’s Lakewood High School Girls Basketball lock-in was a memorable event. For the first time, middle school teams were invited to join the high school players for dinner and games, signaling a new focus on building connections across all levels of the program and fostering positivity and team unity.
The lock-in has been a tradition for about seven years, with a two-year pause during the COVID-19 pandemic. Originally designed to help the high school team bond before the season, the event has evolved into a cornerstone of the program. Each year, it begins with a shared meal where players gather in a big circle, enjoying food and each other’s company. Afterward, the night transitions into a mix of creative activities and games. This year, the girls decorated posters for their locker room and made friendship bracelets to wear on game days.
For the first time, middle schoolers were invited to participate in the lock-in.
“We’re trying to build the program, and with our little numbers, we felt that trying to get the middle school kids involved at an earlier point would help long term,” Coach Julie Work said.
The high school and middle school players mingled over small basketball and volleyball games. The evening culminated in a spirited dodgeball match between the middle schoolers and the high school players, including coaches. The gym was filled with smiles and laughter as girls of all ages bonded over the shared joy of friendly competition.

Inviting the middle schoolers to the team lock-in provides them with something to remember and look forward to when they reach high school. It also gives younger players a chance to meet potential future teammates.
“They seemed to enjoy it…I think as a high schooler they will like it more,” Chelsea Payne said.
After the middle schoolers left for the night, the high schoolers dove into their own activities. They played competitive games of pickleball, card games, and enjoyed casual conversations that helped build connections outside of basketball.
“It brings us all closer together,” junior Addie Garrett said.
As the night continued, the girls gathered on each other’s air mattresses and chatted, deepening their relationships. With this year’s smaller team, players had even more opportunities to get to know one another on a personal level.

“Before everyone just kind of stays within their own grade level, but then you are able to connect with other girls outside of your grade,” Garrett said.
Bonding with one another is crucial to the long-term success of the team and the program. A team that can have fun outside of the court can translate that camaraderie into better teamwork during games.
“It gives you different opportunities to talk to the girls differently,” Coach Work said. “When you’re at practice you focus on basketball a lot. So you know whether it’s a lock-in to get to know the players as people, not just basketball players.”
The lock-in also breaks down barriers that sometimes exist between grade levels. By the end of the night, distinctions between freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors seem to fade.
“There isn’t much status with grades, and there isn’t being scared of somebody because they are a senior,” Payne said.
Seniors have the chance to mentor freshmen, and younger players feel more comfortable building connections with older teammates. There isn’t any worry when it comes to getting to know someone not in your grade.
Beyond bonding, the lock-in serves an essential role in building a solid program foundation. The event encourages players to stay committed to the team by fostering relationships and a sense of belonging.
“I think the importance of that is hopefully to get kids to stay within the program,” Coach Work said. “We’re just looking for ways to continue the leadership that the seniors put into the program as a whole.”
For years to come the lock-in will serve as an event to bring together the players. Events like the lock-in play a vital role in the program’s foundation and ensure the future of Lakewood Girls Basketball.