Every Monday, like clockwork, we brace ourselves for the grind of the upcoming week, longing for the weekend’s return. In Lakewood, a city buzzing with activity, weekends are a welcome respite—a time to unwind, explore, and connect with friends and family. The longing to fast-forward to the weekend is strong in our neighborhood.
“On Friday night, I went ice skating with a group of friends at Winterhurst, a popular ice skating rink in Lakewood,” freshman Sebastian Bukys said. “I usually see a few people from Lakewood High there, especially on Friday nights, as well as students from the middle schools, Harding and Garfield. It’s normally a pretty busy spot.”
Winterhurst has become a hotspot for Lakewood teens, particularly since football season ended. The rink hums with activity between 7 and 9 p.m. on Fridays, with kids rushing in and out, eager to enjoy the ice.
Whether you prefer to be out and about or savor a quiet moment, Lakewood offers no shortage of activities.
“One of my favorite places to go is My Mind’s Eye. It’s a record store on Detroit. I also love to go to the store Apple Jack Toys,” Bukys said.
For Sebastian, weekends strike a balance between socializing and relaxation. “Saturday I had a few friends over and we made a fire and had s’mores and listened to music for a couple of hours and just hung out, I prefer spending my weekends staying relaxed and stress-free.” Bukys said. “And then finally on Sunday I made roughly four gallons of tomato soup and then went and practiced my guitar for a couple of hours.”

This upcoming weekend, he plans to return to Winterhurst on Friday night and spend time at a friend’s house practicing the saxophone for band.
While some, like Sebastian, split their weekends between activity and relaxation, others find joy in creative and hands-on hobbies.
“Over the weekend, I went to work at my friends and then worked on and fixed up my bike,” said freshman Ian Bufford, who usually spends his weekends working or biking around with his friends. “I would recommend going to Rays Indoor MTB park to anyone who likes to ride bikes or get into bike riding.”
When not cycling, Ian often rewires outlets or installs appliances in his friend’s house, which is undergoing renovations. “This weekend, I’m planning on hanging out with some friends,” he said, looking forward to a break from his usual routine.

For others, weekends are a chance to relax and recharge.
“Over the weekend, I kept it very calm and hung out and went shopping with my grandma, ” said freshman Josephine Willis, adding that this isn’t her usual way to spend a weekend. “Normally, I hang out with my friends and grab food, but I’ve had a lot of pressure lately and wanted to relax,” she said.
Willis and her friends often enjoy casual outings around Lakewood. “Normally on weekends, my friends and I walk or bike to Target or the mall and just hang out,” she said.
Her favorite local spots include Chipotle, McDonald’s, and Raising Cane’s. “This weekend, we’re planning on walking around, grabbing food, and hanging out. Hopefully, we’ll do more, though,” Willis added.
Weekends provide a much-needed escape from the structured demands of the school week. Whether students spend their weekends being active, exploring the city, or simply taking it easy, weekends offer a chance to recharge and reflect.
Not being tied to deadlines or a rigid schedule is a luxury that allows people to adapt their plans as they go. For high school students, whose lives are in constant flux, weekends are an essential outlet for personal growth and social connection. Life in Lakewood continues to offer abundant opportunities, and weekends remain a cherished time for relaxing, bonding, and discovering. In the ever-changing landscape of high school life, weekends are the steady promise of rest, adventure, and a chance to recharge for the week ahead.