Energetic, exhilarating, and head-bangingly incredible; all words to describe the event that took place on Jan. 17 at Mahall’s.
The Pinkertones are an incredible Weezer cover band from Columbus, Ohio. They are composed of four members: lead guitarist and vocalist Phil, bassist Ben, drummer Alex, and guitarist Jacob.
Like many bands, they met through living in the same hometown and being well acquainted with one another, but the power of music banded them together to create the popular cover band we know and love today.
“We all kind of grew up together,” Phil said. “We’re all from the same hometown, and I wouldn’t say that we were all friends back then.”
None of this could have been possible without their shared love of music. And now they have made it farther than they ever expected.

“We have been performing together for 16 years,” Phil said. Never breaking up through many years and staying strong isn’t typical for many bands.
“We’ve never really changed our positions,” Jacob added.
Mahall’s is an incredible venue where many artists love to perform.
“Mahall’s is a go-to,” Ben said.
Phil agrees and believes that Mahall’s is a vital venue for up-and-coming artists to perform and gain exposure.
This iconic group has shown love to Mahall’s every January for years on end, never missing a performance.
“It was a very lively and immersive experience,” Zenovia Parkanzky said. This concert lived up to Parkanzky and fellow attendees’ expectations as fans of Weezer.
Weezer changed the world in 1994 with the release of their debut album, The Blue Album. This historically changed the Alternative Indie genre entirely and set a pathway for many other artists to gain inspiration from and build off of, following with their second studio album Pinkerton. Weezer had back-to-back hits that are still consistently heard daily by many generations of people year-round.
The Pinkertones make it known that they love highlighting these two albums and making them their primary focus during their performances. Almost every song they perform can be found on one of these two albums, with a few other songs, including “Island In The Sun” and “Hash Pipe” off of “The Green Album.”
Every bandmate has a favorite song to perform. For Jacob, it’s a tie between “Only In Dreams” and “My Name Is Jonas.” Alex prefers “You Gave Your Love To Me Softly,” or “Why Bother.” Alex likes “Surf Wax.” Phil’s favorite is “Sweater Song,” which is among the top picks of all band members.
When asked if she would like to see them perform again, Spear responded, “One hundred percent. They did an incredible job. I enjoyed the concert very much.”
A fantastic performance will always leave the audience with incredible memories.

Nothing feels better than a good performance after a week of school or work. Just going out and having fun with your friends can make your week so much better.
“I think getting to hang out with my friends and enjoy the weekend was the best part,” Parkanzky said. “The band was top-notch,”
“It was like seeing the real band,” Elizabeth Spear said. “I’ve seen Weezer live, and they live up to their standards.”
The elusive feeling that broke out that night will be one to remember. Crowds showed up to cheer on the band, singing, emerging from the audience, losing their voices, and dancing their hearts out—an essential part of reviving everybody’s week.
Performing for a crowd is something the Pinkertones hold near and dear to their hearts.
“Just the chance to get to hang out with my friends, playing the show is run, and when we tour with other bands but it’s like I won’t get to hang out with these dudes in this group outside of this van,” Alex said. “So being able to go out of town and get in the van and just hang out is super fun.”
“Anytime I get in the van and we’re going to play a show, I feel like I’m 14 again,” Ben added.
Music has so much power. It can make us feel things we can’t feel through anything else and the power of music will forever be one of the most important and riveting things.
Only a few concerts could live up to the standards that the Pinkertones set, and very few performers could be as engaged and interactive with their audience. They jumped off stage, ran through the crowd, and set a night for all attendees to remember.