On Saturday, Feb 1, the annual Winter Dance took place in Lakewood High School’s gym at 7 p.m. Many students and staff gathered to fill their night with dancing, socializing, photos, games, food, and more.
“Formal is always so fun when you’re with the best people!” senior Milena Osborne said.
Several preparations were made before the dance began for it to be successful. LHS’s student council puts together each dance event every year, including Homecoming, Winter Formal, and Prom. The council met once or twice a week in the mornings at the school to go over plans for the dance itself and the pep rally that took place the Friday prior.

There are many elements to prepare for the dance, including decorating. All decorations and themes are left up to the student council to put together. Decorations are a huge part of the dance because it sets the event’s atmosphere. Decorations are the first thing people see when they walk in. Many members of LHS’s student council went into the school Saturday morning to help decorate the gym and the cafeteria for the dance. They also spent time cleaning up after the dance and ensuring everything was ready for students and staff to return to on Monday.
“The theme was Winter Snowball and we decorated making snowflakes, maintaining a light blue theme, and assembling centerpieces for the tables,” student body president Luke Burke said.
Senior advisors of LHS’s student council worked hard behind the scenes to make sure the dance was spectacular for everyone who attended. They put much time into finding the right vendors and more.

Events like this often include food and games to keep attendees satisfied and make their time more enjoyable. A cold water bottle or a small snack between dancing and games keeps everyone’s spirits high. In past years, the food offered at dances usually only included small bags of chips, water bottles, and other small snacks and refreshments. However, for the first time, the concession stand was open to dance attendees in collaboration with the athletic boosters. They allow various forms of payment, including cash, card, and Apple Pay, which is beneficial because it makes payment convenient for most guests.
“We hope that was enjoyable for students because it increased the options for food!” Burke said.
With the topic of payment comes the price of being able to attend the dance as a student. Unfortunately, it is not a free event. However, LHS’s student council has always put a conscious effort into making the price of tickets as affordable as possible. Generally, tickets are around $20.00. For the Winter Formal this year, the tickets were only $15.00!
“We of course want to make it as affordable as possible so as many students can attend as possible,” Burke said.
With dances being school-related events, rules and regulations must be implemented. These rules help ensure that the event remains safe and secure for everyone. One significant rule is that every student who attends must have their school ID to be allowed admission into the dance. Another prominent rule is that once a person leaves the dance, they will not be given re-entry.
Any student who wishes to bring a student from a different school must fill out a guest form. The student who does not attend LHS must have the form signed by their principal. This ensures the protection of not only the students bringing a guest, but also other students attending the dance. A guest who has already graduated or is no longer enrolled in high school must include a copy of their ID photo along with their guest form.
“I make the rules, I approve the forms, times, and safety protocols that are in place,” LHS principal Joy Morgan said.
Security of dance events is not limited to entrance, as many guidelines must be followed upon entering the event. Thus, the LHS staff, including principals, teachers, and more, monitor and chaperone the dance. They ensure that the dance remains secure and students follow regular school rules on the premises and in the building.
“We make sure that kids are coming in with tickets, that they are allowed in the dance, and that kids are having a good time,” Morgan said. “We monitor students to make sure that everything is going smoothly and that kids are safe.”
The Snowball gave students the perfect reason to dress up for a night of fun. Many students spend ample time prepping themselves and buying the perfect outfit for the dance to look their best for a perfect night.
“It is fun to see everyone dressed up and having a good time with their friends,” Morgan said.
Whether it’s Winter Formal, Homecoming, or Prom, the dances are a highlight of many students’ high school experiences. They are a great yearly tradition for a student to get to know someone they might only see inside the classroom. For numerous students, it is one of the most unforgettable traditions of their time in high school and can be cherished over and over as the years pass.
“Getting ready and taking pictures for the dance has become one of my favorite high school traditions,” Osborne said.